Monday, September 13, 2010

How To Get In The Best Shape of Your Life

Kettlebell Training...This video is a powerful "teaser" promo for a DVD that is coming out later on this year.

If you want to get in the best shape of your life, watch it and then go check out a Kettlebell class. You WILL be amazed how fast your body will respond and get RIPPED!

People WILL notice and tell you that you look, and then come back to read my post under the video. I DARE you to comment!

Some of my clients ask me what kind of exercise I do. I tell them Kettlebell training and they usually look at me like I have three heads.

"What's a kettlebell?" they ask.

"Well young grasshopper, it's a round weight with a handle on it. You perform different whole body movements with the kettlebell."

They still look confused...

But I'm telling you folks...this type of exercise WORKS!


I've been an athlete all my life...even doing several triathlons. I can tell you that NOTHING ever came close to sculpting my body, increasing my strength, heart and lung capacity as KETTLEBELL training!

Kettlebell training looks hard, and yes it can be, BUT listen, I've had some major surgeries and health issues in my life and I don't have ANY problems doing the workouts.

One of the reasons why, is that the kettlebell movements and exercises use full body movements. I'm not trying to lift heavy weights with just my biceps...that seems ALL wrong to me. I never liked spending untold hours in the gym doing cardio and especially weights. Now all I do for exercise is three kettlebell classes a week (I could do more but I have a busy, busy life) and that alone seems to keep me in good physical shape.

Plus kettlebell training is a ton of FUN!

We never do the same exact workout...that keeps my body guessing and works ALL my muscles.

In fact, you are working your core muscles (abs, hips, upper legs) even when you are just standing there and holding the weight.

I found out today that an hour of kettlebell training burns 1200 calories! I don't think other types of exercises come close to that number.

If you live in the Portland, Oregon area, check out my Kettlebell Gym. You can try out a week of free classes too!

~ Lisa Collins, LMT

My Website

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Relax Your Eyes - Quick Tip Using Self Breema

Watch this video to learn a powerful technique to:
  • Reduce eye strain
  • Relax your eyes
  • Relax your body
  • Reduce your stress
  • Put yourself in the present moment

Relax Your Eyes - Quick Tip Using Self Breema

In this video is Lisa Collins (licensed massage therapist), Nancy Bebek (producer of "Outside The Box") and Nora Gedgaudas (author of Primal Body Primal Mind)

Please leave a comment with feedback about the video and technique...Thank You!