Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Truth About Sitting

Sitting...we all do it...some of us do it ALL DAY long.

But did you know that sitting too much is really BAD for us?

(by the way, standing all day isn't that good either)

Not trying to scare you but there are numerous studies that point to the health risks of sitting all day.

The human body simply isn't built to sit all day at a desk or for hours veging out on the couch. Many of us spend more time sitting than sleeping. To avoid the health risks, we need not just 30 minutes of daily exercise, the info graphic advises, but taking every opportunity to get up during the day.

As a massage therapist, I see many clients who have neck and/or back issues. Most people say that they sit all day long in front of a computer. It's so easy to get lost inside that screen (TV or computer) but you owe it to yourself to get up and move your body.

Here is a short list of suggestions you can use to get off the couch or chair:
  • Get up every hour to stretch or take a walk. You can set a timer or there is software you can download on your computer that will remind you to take a break.
  • Buy a stand up desk (better would be a hybrid solution where you could alternate sitting and standing)
  • Sit on a large inflatable exercise ball (keeps you active, gives you better posture and it's comfortable)
  • You could change to a job that requires less sitting (have you seen most postal carrier's legs?)
  • Exercise in between sitting sessions. Swinging kettlebells is my favorite exercise. Doing crunches and squats are great too. Yoga stretching will get you "unstuck" from long periods of sitting as well. 
  • I've know people who have exercise bikes or treadmills in front of their TV's. 
  • Wii games will get you off the sofa and are a lot of fun!
  • If you just can't get off that chair or couch, just make sure your posture is good. Slouching or having your head too forward can cause strain on the body.
  • If on a long drive, make sure to stop at least every hour to take a stretch/walk break. 
The take away message here is that the human body wasn't made to sit all day long. We need to move until we die!

(Please feel free to offer your own suggestions in the comment box...Thanks!)

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