Monday, November 29, 2010

Can Massage Therapy Save You Money on Healthcare?

You might think of a massage as a luxury. But can massage therapy actually pay for itself by reducing your medical bills?

There’s growing evidence that massage is a beneficial complement to medical treatments for certain chronic health conditions. Significant research is ongoing in this area, notes the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). While experts emphasize that the medical benefits of massage need more study, some research has shown evidence that massage therapy is effective in treating chronic health conditions that lead to billions of dollars in health care costs a year in America.

Ranging from back pain, migraines and fibromyalgia to anxiety and depression, chronic health conditions are costing Americans dearly in out-of-pocket medical expenses to seek relief at doctor’s offices, pharmacies and operating rooms.  These are the types of conditions that massage can help with the most.
  • According to NCCAM, a 2008 review of 13 clinical trials found evidence that massage may help relieve chronic low-back pain.
  • The Mayo Clinic notes that some studies have found evidence that massage therapy is beneficial for anxiety and noted that ongoing sessions of massage therapy can reduce "trait anxiety" (general anxiety-proneness) — as well as improve symptoms of depression.
  • According to The Mayo Clinic, some research has shown that massage decreases chronic pain in people suffering with fibromyalgia or migraines.
Massage is even being used to help make cancer treatment less traumatic and debilitating. Massage therapy has been shown to bring a 50 percent improvement in symptoms including anxiety, pain and fatigue among patients being treated for cancer, according to the Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. And a study of more than 300 advanced-stage cancer patients in multiple hospice facilities found that massage may help relieve pain and boost mood for cancer patients.

Increase the benefits with regular massage treatments

Regular ongoing massage treatments can play a huge part in how healthy you’ll be and how youthful you’ll remain with each passing year, notes the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals group. Getting a massage at consistent intervals is an investment in your health, and just because massage feels like pampering doesn’t make it any less therapeutic. 

Think of massage appointments as one of your ongoing health and wellness habits that you do to prevent the costs, stress, pain, discomfort and upheaval associated with illness and disease.

More massage! Better health!

(Article originally from here)

Friday, October 15, 2010

The World’s Most Advanced Pain Relieving Modality

Cold laser is a newer and very sophisticated form of therapy for musculoskeletal injuries of all sorts. LASER, or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, uses a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the body and has significant physiological effects. Laser is used to treat muscles, tendons, fascia, connective tissue, nerves, bones, and joints. It helps with both pain reduction/management and tissue healing and the application is very safe. Many universities and most high professional sports teams have practitioners who utilize lasers to help their athletes.

In my office, I use Multi Radiance’s new MR4 laser, which is considered by many to be the best laser on the market. With other laser units, application is almost guesswork. This is not the case with the MR4. The MR4 has a unique LaserStim head that helps identify tissues with abnormal electrical conductance, thus enabling the treatment to be used over the exact areas of injuries. This is a huge advance in technology and only Multi Radiance offers this feature!

Regarding research and laser, most all of the literature is positive. There are a few negative studies but it is important to point out that they tend to discuss lower powered laser. The MR4 is not low power. In fact, it is one of the highest-powered lasers on the market. At this time, there are over 100 double-blind studies confirming the positive effects of laser therapy and over 300 research reports have been published. Research continues around the world as the therapeutic effects of laser is continuing to be discovered.

What are some conditions treated by Cold Laser Therapy?

  •     Injuries
  •     Tendinitis
  •     Arthritis
  •     Fibromyalgia
  •     Carpal tunnel syndrome
  •     Rotator cuff tear
  •     TMJD
  •     Back pain
  •     Bursitis
  •     Skin problems
  •     ...and many more!

What are some benefits of Cold Laser Therapy?

  •     Non-Toxic
  •     Virtually No Contra-Indications
  •     Non-Invasive
  •     Easy to Apply
  •     No Side Effects or Pain
  •     Very Safe
  •     Cost Effective for Practitioner and Patient
  •     Highly Effective for Patient (more than 90% efficacy)
  •     Superior Alternative to: Analgesics, NSAID’s, Other Medications, Other Modalities
  •     Reduces Need for Surgery

What are some biological effects of Cold Laser Therapy?

  •     Rapid Cell Growth — Laser light accelerates cellular reproduction and growth.
  •     Faster Wound Healing — Laser light stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.
  •      Increased Metabolic Activity — Higher outputs of specific enzymes, greater oxygen and food particle loads for blood cells and thus greater production of the basic food source for cells, Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP).
  •     Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation — Laser light reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from: cuts, scratches, burns or post surgery.
  •     Anti-Inflammatory Action — Laser light reduces swelling caused by bruising or inflammation of joints to give enhanced joint mobility.
  •      Increased Vascular Activity — Laser light induces temporary vasodilation increasing blood flow to damaged areas. 
  •     Stimulated Nerve Function — Slow recovery of nerve function in damaged tissue can result in “dead” limbs or numb areas. Laser light speeds the process of nerve cell reconnection to bring the numb areas back to life.


When I began going to Lisa for my Cold Laser Therapy Treatments, I was filled with hope. I have an old surgery, 40 years old, that has developed scar tissue and arthritis in my knee. I was amazed when, within a few short weeks, I was descending down stairs with so much more flexibility and no pain. I would often take the elevator down before. I can even kneel on my knees now. I have not been able to do that in years without pain. Also, we went through a really cold spell after the treatments started. I usually experience a lot of pain in my knee when it is really cold. This time I did not and was pleasantly surprised. These treatments also helped relieve the pain I had with plantar fasciitis. I recommend Cold Laser to anyone who has any kind of pain in the joints. I also recommend Lisa. She is very kind and caring and really finds joy in seeing her patients receive relief from pain. Thanks Lisa. 
~ Alma Kramer

I received two treatment of cold laser to my thumb joints – five minutes each treatment, each thumb. I could barely stand to use my hands because the joints were so painful to move. All the supplements and anti-inflammatory medication I was taking did not help to alleviate this terrible, sharp pain, nausea-producing pain. After the cold laser treatment I was pain free and could use my hands in the garden doing pretty heavy work for two weeks. Now I am ready to come back for another set of treatments. Quite amazing results!

~ S. Harris, RN; Edmonds, WA

Monday, September 13, 2010

How To Get In The Best Shape of Your Life

Kettlebell Training...This video is a powerful "teaser" promo for a DVD that is coming out later on this year.

If you want to get in the best shape of your life, watch it and then go check out a Kettlebell class. You WILL be amazed how fast your body will respond and get RIPPED!

People WILL notice and tell you that you look, and then come back to read my post under the video. I DARE you to comment!

Some of my clients ask me what kind of exercise I do. I tell them Kettlebell training and they usually look at me like I have three heads.

"What's a kettlebell?" they ask.

"Well young grasshopper, it's a round weight with a handle on it. You perform different whole body movements with the kettlebell."

They still look confused...

But I'm telling you folks...this type of exercise WORKS!


I've been an athlete all my life...even doing several triathlons. I can tell you that NOTHING ever came close to sculpting my body, increasing my strength, heart and lung capacity as KETTLEBELL training!

Kettlebell training looks hard, and yes it can be, BUT listen, I've had some major surgeries and health issues in my life and I don't have ANY problems doing the workouts.

One of the reasons why, is that the kettlebell movements and exercises use full body movements. I'm not trying to lift heavy weights with just my biceps...that seems ALL wrong to me. I never liked spending untold hours in the gym doing cardio and especially weights. Now all I do for exercise is three kettlebell classes a week (I could do more but I have a busy, busy life) and that alone seems to keep me in good physical shape.

Plus kettlebell training is a ton of FUN!

We never do the same exact workout...that keeps my body guessing and works ALL my muscles.

In fact, you are working your core muscles (abs, hips, upper legs) even when you are just standing there and holding the weight.

I found out today that an hour of kettlebell training burns 1200 calories! I don't think other types of exercises come close to that number.

If you live in the Portland, Oregon area, check out my Kettlebell Gym. You can try out a week of free classes too!

~ Lisa Collins, LMT

My Website

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Relax Your Eyes - Quick Tip Using Self Breema

Watch this video to learn a powerful technique to:
  • Reduce eye strain
  • Relax your eyes
  • Relax your body
  • Reduce your stress
  • Put yourself in the present moment

Relax Your Eyes - Quick Tip Using Self Breema

In this video is Lisa Collins (licensed massage therapist), Nancy Bebek (producer of "Outside The Box") and Nora Gedgaudas (author of Primal Body Primal Mind)

Please leave a comment with feedback about the video and technique...Thank You!